

An Act of Faith | Friday (Part 1) | Friday (Part 2) | Friday (Part 3) | More Trouble | Saturday(Part1) | Saturday(Part 2) | Sunday, Part 1 | Damsel in Distress | Snapshots | Nuns | Nuns On Parade | Contact Us
Friday (Part 3)
Coming on HBO -- The Sex Police
Starring White Orchid as Officer Sinthia Badd
"Don't move, you slut! You're under arrest for violation..."

...then prepared for interrogation!"

"Police Procedures say that we should continue this down at the station..."
Guest Starring Paula Bazooms
...of the Dolly Parton Law: taking more than three minutes to enter a room!"
"Ve haff ways of making you talk!"
"...But, frankly, I'm getting too turned on!"

"First, you'll be thoroughly searched...

"And ve know them well, dahlink!"
"Now, let's discuss getting you a reduced sentence!"
"But you're not the judge!"
"Details, details..."

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