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An Act of Faith
Lady Jovina (as "Jett") and Mistress Marti

Jovina and Marti caused this 'Maskon revival' to happen.  Business plans would bring one within driving distance of the other, and the science fiction convention was scheduled nearby.
"Let's see if other maskers would be interested!"  E-mails, chat lounge discussions and postings on websites (especially Jovina's) got tentative responses.  Operative word: tentative.  In an act of faith, two adjoining hotel rooms were reserved, after two other maskers made commitments by purchasing BaltiCon tickets online.

Left to Right: Morganna, Marti, White Orchid, Jovina and Jenn Foxx

The result?
Five maskers came together at BaltiCon '36 on May 24, 2002, and MiniMaskon 1 was officially born!
The 'Longest Distance Travelled' Award went to White Orchid, who came all the way from Norway.
The picture on the right was one of the first taken, in the hallway not far from our hotel rooms. Since we were on BaltiCon's party floor -- a heavy traffic area -- setting up a tripod and a camera with a timer was not a good idea. 'Gus', a friend of Morganna's, did the primary photography.

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